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Instrumental Music Assessment - A Shared Responsibility

John Stevenson

Updated: 7 days ago

The annual CCPS instrumental music assessment will take place on March 11 – 13, 2025. Here’s what you need to know about the assessment, what your child should be doing to prepare for it, and how you can support them.



What Is It?


An event where student ensembles perform for a panel of judges (or adjudicators) to receive feedback and a rating based on their performance. The assessment is designed to provide educational opportunities for student musicians, highlight the growth and skill of the ensemble, and set performance goals for both students and directors.



How Does It Work?


  • Ensembles prepare 2–3 pieces of music from a pre-approved list of repertoire that suits their skill level.

  • Adjudicators evaluate performances based on musical elements such as tone quality, balance, intonation, interpretation, rhythm, technique, and overall musicianship using a standardized rubric for consistency in scoring.

  • Ensembles are asked to perform a piece they’ve never seen before. This tests their ability to read music and follow the conductor on the spot.

  • Adjudicators provide written and/or verbal comments. Some festivals also offer recordings of commentary made during the performance.

  • The feedback aims to help directors and students understand strengths and areas for improvement.

  • Ensembles receive a rating (e.g., Superior, Excellent, Good, etc.) based on their performance.



Why Is It Valuable?


  • Students gain a sense of accomplishment while learning what it takes to refine their musicianship.

  • Directors and students can measure their ensemble’s progress compared to standards of excellence.

  • It often serves as a motivator for students to work hard and achieve musical goals.

  • It fosters a sense of pride and teamwork within the ensemble and provides opportunities to hear and learn from other schools’ performances.


What Should My Child be Doing to Prepare?


  • Students have received all the music that they will be performing for the assessment and have weekly performance goals and Makemusic assignments to help them structure their progress toward the final assessment performance.

  • Students should be practicing at least 20 minutes daily and completing the weekly Makemusic assignments in a timely manner.

  • Makemusic assignments will be posted in Schoology and Makemusic, as well as announced in class and reinforced via the ‘announcements’ section of the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.  Students are expected to check Schoology and email daily.

    • Assignments submitted up to three (3) days late will receive a maximum grade of 90%.  Work submitted between four (4) and seven (7) days late will receive a maximum grade of 70%.  Work submitted over a week late will receive a maximum grade of 50%.

    • If a student submits an assignment that is less than “A” quality, they will be assigned a mentor to assist with the assignment and the assignment will be reassigned.  Reassigned assignments must be completed within five (5) days before late penalties begin to accrue.

How Can I Help My Child Be Successful?


  • Ask your child what they’re working on and give them positive encouragement.

  • Help your child establish a daily practice routine. They should be practicing at least 20 minutes daily and focusing on making small improvements every day. Consistency is key! If your child doesn't have a place to practice at home, please let me know so I can request them for FLEX to practice at school.


1300 W. Old Liberty Road

Sykesville, MD 21784





©2023 by South Carroll HS Instrumental Music Boosters (SCIMB), a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Disclaimer: This site is owned by the South Carroll High School Instrumental Music Boosters, which is solely responsible for its content. It is not endorsed by, nor does it necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff or administration of South Carroll High School or the Carroll County Board of Education.

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